Genre: Rock/Indie.
Age Range: Between 16-24 and usually still in some form of education e.g. college or university. They probably have some form of job e.g. part time waitress and therefore have a disposable income to spend on the magazines.
Jicnars Scale: C1/C2. They are between average to above average intelligence and come form a working class to middle class background. They a part of a normal family with a normal house, car, jobs etc.
Psychographic Profile: The profile for the readers of my magazine are; Hedonists - 'to play and enjoy life now', Radicals - 'really individual, do what they want, when they want to', Post materialists - 'to be something later' and Post modernists - 'to have, to be, to play'.
They don't care what others think and live in the moment rather than planning out their future.
They hate to follow the mainstream and prefer new, up coming artists like Taken By Trees than established artists like Girls Aloud. They prefer underground gigs than sell out concerts, buy all their bands albums rather than download the singles, are good with technology as many of their favourite bands may only have access to sites such as Myspace and Facebook etc, love going out to parties and staying out all night and wear tight shirts, skinny jeans and most likely play an instrument such as drums or guitar.
While I will be concentrating on Indie music as a genre my magazine will also try to target a wider audience than just Indie music lovers. My magazine will be distributed by Frontline as they have the power to get the magazine into bigger consumer shops such as HMV or Tesco. However the key point is that the magazine will be first and foremost an indie magazine, dedicated to Indie bands and artists. By using a large distributor bands such as Taken by Trees and The Dodos will be able to target a wider audience, which may then make them more popular and have a wider fan base. This will then allow people who have never heard of their music before the chance to listen rather than always having to listen to the generic pop in the charts.
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